Techno Metal Products
Techno Metal Post’s engineering team has developed a fool-proof technology that measures the final bearing capacity of each pile during installation.

The Techno Metal products: Post’s exclusive sleeve.
Techno Metal Post ProductsThis sleeve is made of heavy-duty polyethylene, and has been specially designed to surround the techno Metal Post helical piles.
Techno Metal Post designed and now manufactures this proprietary sleeve in-house in a variety of sizes that complement different post sizes.
The sleeve is installed around the pier while the pile is screwed into the soil.
Soil moves, but a Techno Metal Post product won’t.
The principle is simple and proven. The sleeve slides along the screw pile during the inevitable movement that naturally occurs over the course of time. It allows the pile to remain stable despite movement caused by periods of freeze, thaw or drought.
Connection system
We offer a variety of pile-to-structure connection brackets to make building on top of Techno Metal Posts simple.
Different types of structures require different connection brackets.
For posted structures like decks, we offer adjustable height connectors for standard dimensional lumber sizes (4×4, 6×6, double 2X, triple 2X)
Techno Metal Post has also developed connection systems with integrated rebar for using helical piers to pin concrete foundations to load bearing soil located deeper than it would be practical to excavate to in a traditional method for solid bearing.
We can also fabricate custom brackets for special types of connections on request.
Corrosion Protection
The galvanization already provides years of reliable long term protection for piles, but additional cathodic protection can assure the integrity of the structure for an extended time period if the application demands it.
We highly recommend the installation of a cathodic protection system for extraordinarily deep pile installations.

MRH Engineering
Phone : 518 792-4042
Fax : 518 885-8494
Cell : 518 796-6054
Professional Registrations
New Hampshire
New York
New Jersey
Serving the Greater New York Capital Region, Warren, Saratoga, Washington, Albany Counties.
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© MRH Engineering