Attached is a series of photos of the construction of a boardwalk at Stewart State Forest in Newburgh, N.Y.
This was a design-build collaboration with the installer – Techno Metal Post Hudson Valley and MRH Engineering.
The boardwalk was installed across a wetland to an island located in the wetland. A second boardwalk was added from the island to the mainland on the other side of the island.
Techno Metal Post’s Helical piles are environmentally friendly and can be used in wetlands to accommodate the installation of pedestrian walkways and look-outs.
Minimal disturbance to the wetland was accomplished during the boardwalk installation. The installation of the boardwalk proceeded by installing an abutment on the mainland. The first set of piles was placed 8′-0″ away from the abutment. From there –
- adding the boardwalk support structure
- laying down plywood sheets to support the drill rig
- installing the next set of piles from the boardwalk support structure
- adding the next section of the boardwalk structure
- laying down plywood sheets to support the drill rig
- progressing in 8′-0″ segments across the wetland to complete the boardwalk structure.